jueves, 24 de noviembre de 2016

My Favorite Photograph

From a very young age I have been an amateur photographer and in recent years I have perfected my visual perspective through my university studies and on my own initiative. That is why, on this occasion, I want to present one of my favorite photographs. This photograph was taken by renowned Chilean photographer Sergio Larraín (who was the first photographer in our country to join the prestigious agency Magnum) and corresponds to a series of photographs taken during the 50s and 60s in the port of Valparaiso. In it there are 2 women walking down some stairs that have the equivalent of the typical ones that we can find in the hills of this beautiful city.

This photograph I like because it represents the daily life of the port that is reflected in its stairs, streets and elevators, which is faithfully portrayed by Sergio Larraín in each of his works.

2 comentarios:

  1. I also like very much Sergio Larrain, specially their pictures of "The Seven Mirrors" in Valparaíso.

  2. What a beautiful picture. I like photography too, but truly I don't know a lot yet.
